Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Congregation Vision and Mission Event

Come provide your input.

Sept 15 - 11:15 to 12;45 after 10 AM service


The Strategic Planning Committee was established six months ago and was charged with thinking about ways St. John’s can better focus and define its ministries, be more welcoming and visible in the community and become more financially stable over the long term.

The committee has already initiated several activities and continues to develop ideas that St. John’s may wish to pursue. However, for any new effort to succeed, the thoughts of all the members of St. John’s need to be included in the decision-making process. We need your input and feedback to ensure we are all working together to carry out St. John’s mission in the world.

On September 15 after the 10 a.m. service, we will have a congregational event designed to assess where you think St. John’s is now and what your hopes and dreams are for our future. We will share in both small groups and as a single large group. After the event, all your ideas will be compiled, and the committee will use your input as it continues its work. Further action based on the results of the session may include revisiting our church’s mission and vision statements to ensure they represent what St. John’s hopes to be.

We will begin about 11:15 and finish no later than 12:45. Coffee hour will be more substantial that usual to provide energy for our sharing session.

Please plan to join us on the 15th. As a church family, all of our input is valuable as we think about how we can be the hands and feet of Christ in this community and this world.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to direct them to me or another member of the committee: Mike Birmingham, Patricia Broida, Debbie Carter, Brian Cavey, Dave Dunlap, Pete Olivere, Lisa Pope and Sandy Winger.

We look forward to seeing you there.