Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Joint Service at St Patrick's 11 am

11:00 AM

St Patrick's
3241 Brush Drive 
Falls Church, VA 22042
Driving Directions

NO SERVICE AT St John's on Sunday July 7th.

St. John s and St. Patrick s will gather for the end of the long Independence Day weekend at a single service for both congregations on Sunday, Ju ly 7 at St. Patrick’s for worship at 11 a.m., followed by a potluck lunch. If the weather is nice, lunch will be outdoors as St. Patrick’s has picnic tables in the shade.

St. Patrick's is located at  3241 Brush Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042
Their website is www.saintpatricks.us   Their Youtube Channel carries their services live as well as past weeks. The channel is  https://www.youtube.com/user/StPatsEpiscopal.