St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

Celebration of Ministry and Installation of Rector

The Reverend Julie Diane Bryant, D Min


St John's and St. Patricks

Celebration begins at 3 pm at St. John’s and continuing at St. Patrick’s. 

Celebration of Ministry and Installation service begins with formal confirmation of the Rector's call and endorsement by the Bishop, then Scripture, Sermon, Renewal of Baptismal Vows, and the presentation of symbols for ministries of both congregations. At the Peace, everyone will move to St Patrick's for the Eucharist and Reception.

Guests for this occasion include The Very Reverends Shearon Williams and Burl Salmon for the Bishop; The Rev Jennifer Beal as Preacher; Mr Joe Minor as soloist.

The service portion at St. John's will available on ZOOM. The meeting ID is 873 5378 9589 and password 2020 or Click ZOOM Link 

The service portion at St. Patrick's will begin at approximately 4:15 and will be available on their YouTube channel


St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

415 South Lexington Street
Arlington, VA 22204
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