Donate Supplies to Schools for Fall 2024
Thank you for supporting the School Supplies Drive!
Thanks to you we have been able to help many of the the students at Carlin Springs Elementary School. The school supplies have all been delivered!Also, while the Pritchards were at the school, our liaison, Carol Sabatino, said that they are still in need of disinfecting supplies (wipes and spray) and whiteboard markers (low odor preferred). Let’s see if we can help with those much-needed items, too.
Shopping for the Annual School Supply Drive
We will be gathering school supplies to benefit the elementary schools closest to each congregation (Carlin Springs and Westlawn). We'll bless the collected items on Sunday, August 18 in order to make delivery before the first day of school.
The shopping list is available at services, at the church office, and below. Please place the supplies you purchase in the bin in the back of the church. Alternatively, you can write a check to St. John’s with “School supplies” in the memo line, and we will do the shopping for you.
The need is great.
The items needed by Carlin Springs are in this pdf file School_Supplies_2024.pdf.
The list includes a link to the Carlin Springs Wish List posted on Copies are is available in the church.