Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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St. John's Collecting School Supplies for Needy Childern


 This opportunity is open to everyone in the community not just members of St. John's Church.

This year St. John's Episcopal Church is again collecting school supplies for low-income students at our neighborhood elementary schools. The supplies provided last year were greatly appreciated they are excited that we are repeating this outreach.
It would be best if the supplies are donated by August 12, 2019, however they would be glad to get them at any time.

We have lists for both elementary schools. Click on the name of the school to get a pdf of the items they need. Carlin Springs and Campbell_School

Please only include that items that are on the list.

There are also copies of the printed lists with the collection bin in the undercroft (basement) of the church.

Please label the bag of supplies as to which school you would like it to go, Supplies can be brought to the Church Monday through Thursday between 9 am and 1 pm on Sunday 8 - 12. Enter through the double doors on the 5th Street side and go down to the basement where there is a bin. If you would like more information or can't drop off during those times, please contact Faye Pritchard, St. John's outreach coordinator, at 703-931-2168 or at pritchardpix@aol.com.



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