Special Media Presentation for Holy Week
This presentation walks us through the events of Holy Week in a new way—from the perspective of the disciples, Mary (mother of Jesus) and Mary Magdalene.
Special Presentation for Holy Week on St. John's new YouTube channel
The purpose is to provide a different picture of them and how each one saw Jesus. In the case of Judas, a book is referenced called “The Gospel of Judas.” This manuscript circulated after the Bible was taking its final form and was not accepted with the other texts. However, it provides a different view of Judas, but is not regarded with the same authority as with the biblical sources.
Our readers are: The Rev. Dr. Laurence K. Packard (Supply Minister) and Barbara Olivere (Lay Reader).
We hope that this presentation enhances your experience of Holy Week and that you will join us for services:
Holy (Maundy) Thursday 7 pm,
Good Friday 12 noon, and
Easter Sunday 10 am.