Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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AFAC Thanksgiving Food Collection


Please Remember Those in Need This Thanksgiving

“From Our Altar to Their Tables”

This Thanksgiving St. John’s is collecting bags of food donations for AFAC through Sunday November 24.

  • Pick up your bag to be filled at the back of the church or from the church office, or call Faye Pritchard, 703-931-2168.
  • Choose from the list below to fill your bag.
  • Return your filled bag inside the church or to the Pritchards’ porch, 5713 5th Street South, a half-block from the church.
  • The donations will be blessed at the service on Sunday November 24.
  • Or make out a check to AFAC to provide a Thanksgiving meal for AFAC families. The instructions are below.

The AFAC Thanksgiving Shopping List

Most Needed Items

Low-sugar cereal                                                   Canned tomatoes & tomato products
Canned tuna                                                                           Canned beans
Canned soups                                                                     Peanut butter (in plastic jars)
Canned vegetables                                                               Cooking oil

Additional Items
Flour                                                                                        Coffee
Sugar                                                                                      Cooking oil
No canned pumpkin or cranberry sauce, please. AFAC always gets more than enough. When choosing items, please look for those that are low sodium, no salt added, no sugar added, unsweetened, etc. No glass jars.

To Donate Thanksgiving Meals

You can also write a check to support AFAC clients this Thanksgiving season. As a guide, a $50 donation will provide the basis of a Thanksgiving meal for one family. We will forward a check to AFAC if you make it out to St. John’s and put AFAC on the comment line. Or you can donate directly to AFAC either on their website https://afac.org or make your check out to AFAC and send it to AFAC 2708 South Nelson Street, Arlington, VA 22206.

“Most merciful God, who has fed us with the life of Jesus Christ, grant that we might reach out our hands in love for others in need with these gifts, which we return from our bounty as partners in the Gospel for the work of St. John’s Church.” Amen.



Community Christmas Caroling December 8th evening
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