Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Position - Children's Christian Education - CLOSED


St John's has already selected someone for this position.

St. John's has created a paid position to help develop and teach Children's Christian Education. This will require 5 hours per week, one on Sunday and 4 for planning purposes, and includes a stipend of $100 per week. 

Help us build up the children’s ministry at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Arlington. We want children to be a vital part of our congregation and need a creative person to work with us in creating a vision. 

The Family Programs Minister will work with Rector and Family Programs leaders to plan and teach Sunday School curriculum to 4-8 children in elementary school during the school year. For older youth, the Family Programs Minister will work with Family Programs leaders to plan curriculum that others will teach.

Sunday School classes run from 9:30 am through the middle of the 10am service (approximately 10:30am).

Requirements: Christian background, teaching experience with active children, ability to think creatively to help plan curriculum as well as programs for the children to present in church 3-4 times per year; ability to work independently to research material for chosen lesson plans or work with a chosen curriculum, ability to work with teachers and teens to develop program material.

Contact the church office at 703-671-6834  or email office@stjohnsarlingtonva.org.

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