Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Shout It from the Mountain


Shout It from the Mountain is the diocesan capital campaign for Shrine Mont Camps.

Since 1962, diocesan camps at Shrine Mont have grown to serve over 700 of God’s children each year. After celebrating their 50th anniversary, the Diocese of Virginia, which runs Shrine Mont camps, and Shrine Mont, which provides the camp facilities, have entered into an exciting joint venture to identify what is needed to keep our camp facilities vibrant and thriving into the future.

In 2012, we joined together in a period of discernment, in which diocesan leaders and Shrine Mont representatives offered information about the camps at Shrine Mont, provided attendees with information regarding upgrades and identified needs for the camps, and gathered valuable feedback from attendees.

In 2013, we moved forward with a feasibility study to explore the possibility of a diocesan-wide capital campaign.

In 2014, after spending nine months gathering pledges from many leaders of the Diocese of Virginia and beyond, the Shout It from the Mountain campaign has already reached over 60 percent of the target goal of $2 million, with $1,211,716 committed to the campaign. On Sunday, July 6, 2014, we announced the launch of the public phase to raise the remaining 40 percent of our target goal.


The campaign goals are: to create an endowment to help additional campers attend a Shrine Mont Camp each year; to establish a fund that will renovate, replace and improve current camp facilities; to create an endowment to provide for ongoing capital maintenance for camp facilities; and to provide funds to support Camp CTK in the Diocese of Christ the King, South Africa. Please prayerfully consider giving to this campaign. For more information go to http://www.thediocese.net/ShoutIt/%20too/

Betty Vertiz Memorial Service and Her Recollections
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