Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Glencarlyn Art and Craft Exhibit June 1


Calling Glencarlyn Artists and Crafters

As part of the Saturday, June 1st Glencarlyn Days celebration, St. John’s is making the area under the trees available for Glencarlyn artists and crafters to show or sell their work to our community. You are welcome to be there as long as you would like. The staging of the parade is on Lexington between 4th and 5th with the bulk of the crowd arriving about 11 am. This activity will be included in the Glencarlyn Day flyer. There is no charge, however we would like to know if you are thinking about participating; we are not looking for a firm commitment. Please email office@stjohnsarlingtonva.org.

Celebration of Ministry and Installation of Rector Sunday, March 17, 3 pm
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