Thank You! January 2013
We would like to extend a thank you to a number of people how helped with a number of projects over the past few months. Click on the title for more.
We would like to extend a thank you to people who have helped with a number of projects over the past few months.
Paul Stenger for serving as the chair of our commitment campaign.
Everyone who pledged.
Lynn Robinson for coordinating the cookie exchange.
Kay Wells for the Christmas decorations in the undercroft.
Liz White and Eileen Tallent for their leadership in greening the church for Christmas on a very tight deadline and to the altar guild and friends who helped them.
Beth Cavey for a wonderful Christmas pageant, to Lenore Schmidt and Leslie Mead for their help and to all the children who participated – Paul Petrich, Pearson Frank, Alexis Krug, John Petrich, Anton Soszey, Spencer Frank, Daniel Johnson, Clarisa
Johnson, Tina Cavey, Michael Cavey, Cooper Krug and Kelley Krug.
Virginia Pearson, for her work on all the Christmas bulletins.
Our instrumentalists, Carol Dunlap, Amy Dunlap and Karen Sonnet, and our choir, Lynn Robinson and Marshall Adair, for their
beautiful Christmas music.
Linda Trochim for serving as interim pledge clerk for this year.
Faye Pritchard and Pete Olivere for working so hard to get the new web site up and functioning.
Everyone who attended our December meeting on parish goals and provided us with ideas and direction for the coming year.